Adopt a Hydrant
Genesee Fire Rescue is looking for volunteers to adopt fire hydrants in the Genesee Fire Protection District (GFPD). Responsibilities include clearing snow, grass/weeds and debris from around the hydrant to ensure that it is accessible in case of an emergency.
Help keep the GFPD community safe. Adopt a hydrant today!
Email with the following information to adopt your hydrant today:
- Name of family/person adopting the hydrant
- Contact name and email address
- Fire hydrant number (Located in the pop-up box after you have selected the hydrant)
- Street name that the hydrant is on
Expand the map to full-screen for better viewing. The map below includes all of the fire hydrants in the GFPD community. Zoom in to find the hydrant(s) in your neighborhood. If you have any issues locating a hydrant email us at