Auxiliary Group

The volunteer Auxiliary Group provides community and department support for annual events, fundraisers, and special events. The group also assists firefighters with rehab (food, hydration, etc.) during an extended fire or rescue incident.
To participate with GFR in non-emergency functions, volunteers can be former GFR members and/or Genesee residents. Volunteers are not required to obtain or maintain Firefighter I/CPR certification, nor are they required to meet the active service criteria as set forth for active members.
Examples of service include:
- Decorating apparatus & participating in the GFR 4th of July parade
- Planning, coordinating, & volunteering at the following:
- Annual Appreciation Event for past & present GFR members
- Annual fire station Open House to the public
- Community fire station Halloween party
- Jefferson County Communications (Jeffcom) Recognition Event
- Fire Academy graduation
- Promoting Wildfire Readiness to the public
- Assisting with fundraisers
- Coordinating GFR funerals/processions
- Writing Auxiliary Group communications to GFR members
Minimum requirements:
- 18 years of age
- No felony convictions